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例: How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15. B. £ 9.15. C. £ 9.18.

答案是 B 。

1. What does the woman suggest the man do?

A.Wake up now. B. Stay up longer. C. Go to bed early.

2. Who does the raincoat belong to?

A. The man. B. The woman’s brother. C. The man’s brother.

3. What are the speakers doing?

A. Walking to somewhere. B. Asking for directions. C. Waiting for the bus.

4. Who might the man be?

A. A store owner. B. A farmer. C. An animal doctor.

5. What’s the man’s problem?

A. He is annoyed by his reading. B. He is disturbed by the noise. C. He has no time for shopping.




6. What does the man think of the subway?

A. It is convenient. B. It is crowded. C. It is very complicated.

7. How long is the subway in service in the woman’s country?

A.14 hours a day . B. 18 hours a day. C. 20 hours a day.


8. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Friends. B. Colleagues. C. Neighbors.

9. What does the man want to do?

A. Sleep. B. Join the party. C. Listen to the music.


10. How does the boy recognize what the girl is doing?

A. He saw one in college.

B. He used to play with one.

C. His dad told him about it.

11. Why is the man surprised about the thing the girl plays with?

A. It will come back.

B. No one else asked about it.

C. It takes a few days to learn.

12. Why does the girl suggest watching her first?

A. She wants to show herself.

B. It would be more interesting.

C. It could be dangerous to play.


13. Who is the gift for?

A. The girl’s mother. B.The man’s father. C. The girl’s father.

14. What is the brown wallet like?

A. It has a beautiful design.

B. It has no place to put pictures.

C. It is more expensive than the black one.

15. What does the girl decide to buy at last?

A. A black wallet. B. A brown wallet. C. A tie.

16. How much does the girl pay in the end?

A. $5. B. $10. C. $15.


17. What did Alma do at the age of six?

A. She wrote an opera. B. She wrote a song. C. She sat through an opera.

18. Where does Alma like to write music?

A. In the park. B. In her garden. C. In her room.

19. Where did the idea for The Sweeper of Dreams come from?

A. A dream. B. A book. C. The English National Opera.

20. What does Alma think of herself?

A. She wants to be like Mozart. B. She is not famous. C. She wants to be herself.





I was still a student pilot at the time, and only my instructor and myself were on board. While I was doing a random session of instrument training, I had my blinder goggles( 护目镜 )down. For those of you wondering, this literally means I cannot see out the windows and can only see down to my instrument panel( 仪表板 ).

My instructor was giving me instructions, and I was to only rely on the instruments—which also meant that he was my only eyes. So if, for any reason, he saw something he didn’t like, he’d say, “MY PLANE” and take control. Well, we were flying along, and he’s having me perform various tasks with the blinders down, to teach me about trusting instruments. At one point, my blinder goggles slipped down my nose a little, and I caught a quick glance out the side window. About 40 feet off of my wing was a skydiver with parachute( 降落伞 ) open. I immediately took my goggles off and screamed, “Skydivers!” and my instructor had no idea. He was my only eyes during my training flight, but he had me fly right into the path of skydivers without knowing it. There was a small grass land nearby that sometimes had skydiving flights in the late summer. Thankfully, he quickly pulled the yoke and flew us out of the immediate area, but it still scared me.

Needless to say, he was extremely embarrassed afterward and kept telling me “It was an accident and I seriously didn’t see them.” I very well could have killed someone without even knowing it. It gives me a sudden fear every time I think about it.

21. It can be inferred from the passage that .

A. a skydiver could have been killed by accident

B. a skydiver got into the wrong path of the plane

C. the instructor liked to control the plane during flights

D. the instructor performed various tasks with the blinders down

22. The last paragraph suggests that .

A. the accident made the author lose face

B. the author regretted killing someone accidentally

C. the author was unwilling to trust the instructor

D. the experience left a long-term influence on the author

23. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Seeing is believing.

B. One can never be too careful.

C. Everything comes to him who waits.

D. God helps those who help themselves.


The Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo , which offers tips for reorganizing personal space and getting rid of untidiness, has inspired many to shrink their overstuffed closets. Charity shops have seen an increase in donations of used clothing, a phenomenon that’s been credited to the influence of the show.

But people have a popular method of dealing with unwanted clothing. They simply throw it in the trash. And that’s become a real problem.

According to Fast Company , people of New York City throw 200 million pounds of clothing into the garbage each year. The used clothing goes on to take up space in landfills for an unlimited period of time. The Environmental Protection Agency reported in 2015 that 10.5 million tons of clothing wound up in the trash that year. New York’s fashion leaders and the city’s sanitation ( 公共卫生 ) agencies have started an advertising campaign directing people to cover 1,000 drop-off points where unwanted clothes can be deposited for recycling or repurposing. But if you can't find one of the collection points in your neighborhood, what can you do with your old clothes?

Selling is one option. Local clothes stores may offer only a modest price for your used clothing collections, but they’ll likely wind up in other hands rather than a landfill. There are also online marketplaces like ThredUP and Material World that pay cash or offer store credit for designer or chain-store clothing that you mail in. To maximize their value, it’s best to present clothing folded, buttoned, and cleaned.

You can also try sites like Rehash Clothes to promote a clothing exchange with others who are looking to clear up their closet. If you want to throw clothing because it’s damaged, give some thought to repairing it instead. Things like loose or missing buttons can be simple fixes; stains can be covered by dyeing material ( 染料 ). All of these options can keep some of your clothing’s value.

Whatever you decide to do, it’s best to keep clothing on someone’s back in one form or another—not in the trash.

24. What do we know from the passage?

A. New Yorkers give away lots of clothing annually.

B. Unwanted clothing has to be donated to charity shops.

C. The advertising campaign aims to promote the sales of used clothes.

D. Tidying Up with Marie Kondo encourages more people to donate used clothes.

25. What does the underlined phrase “wound up” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. backed up B. showed up C. ended up D. hooked up

26. Which of the following might the author agree with?

A. Never put old clothing in the trash.

B. Fix the damaged clothing before being donated.

C. Sell the used clothes online better than in local stores.

D. Care about the details when selling used clothes online.

27. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?

A. To offer tips for clothing exchanges.

B. To present the problem with unwanted clothing.

C. To advocate people to deal with old clothing effectively.

D. To raise public awareness of environmental protection.


Once upon a time, toys didn’t speak or flash. They didn’t connect to the website or unlock special content. They never needed new batteries. They just sat there doing nothing until a child came along and unlocked the fun waiting in an ordinary marble or wooden building block.

But will future children play with such old-fashioned toys? Many experts hope so. ASTRA is a non-profit project that provides kids with toys that “focus on what the child can do rather than the toy.” Some toys help kids develop important skills. Too many special features may distract them from those skills.

For example, a child may give a plain toy bear a name and a personality. But if the bear already talks and dances, there’s less to imagine. “It takes away the child’s contribution.” psychologist Dorothy Singer claimed.

In fact, those toys which speak and light up can actually slow down language development in babies, according to a 2016 study. The study found that parents spoke to their babies less when the child had a talking toy.

But none of this means that tech and toys shouldn’t mix. Digital toys offer totally new ways to play. Robotic toys may get kids writing codes or act as companions. And AR toys combine video games with real life. Pokemon Go involves catching imaginary Pokemon monsters by going to real places. And PlayDoh Touch allows kids to scan creatures they’ve made in real life and play with them in a mobile game.

Stuart Brown is the founder of the National Institute for Play. He says it’s possible to experience authentic play through tech, as long as the game or toy is properly designed.

Perhaps building virtual blocks or playing with virtual marbles could offer the same sorts of open-ended experiences as the real-world variety. Perhaps digital or virtual toys are most relevant today. Or maybe there will always be a place for Old-school wooden blocks. Time will tell.

28. According to ASTRA, some toys can be designed to _________.

A. inspire kids’ imagination

B. attend to the kids in need

C. perform vividly to attract the kids

D. update themselves with so many features

29. Which kind of the following can offer kids opportunities to play with self-created objects?

A. Robotic toys. B. PlayDoh Touch. C. Pokemon Go. D. AR toys.

30. What is the author’s attitude to the future of traditional toys?

A. Doubtful. B. Positive. C. Disapproving. D. Critical.



Language learning is a long-term process—it takes commitment and enthusiasm. And just like any long-term goal, we all need encouragement from time to time to keep us going. 31

Remember Why You Started

When you first started your language learning journey, it was for a reason. Perhaps you wanted to get more out of your travels or make yourself more competitive in the marketplace. When your brain is focused on learning, it makes sense that these concrete goals may slip out of your mind. 32

Reflect On What You’ve Learned So Far

Learning a new language is undoubtedly a huge undertaking and you’ll feel overwhelmed. But before you look ahead, take some time to reflect on how far you’ve come. 33 Being able to hold something that’s a direct result of your effort will help you stay on track.

Identify Distractions

When our energy dips, it’s the best way to identify the choices that are distracting us from our goals. Maybe it’s our commitment to staying up-to-date with television shows, or that extra hour of Facebooking before we go to bed. 34 We have a limited amount of time and energy and every decision we make has trade-offs. Find a balance so that we have enough time to achieve the things that are really important to us.


To stay on track, divide up your main goal of learning a new language into smaller goals, and then reward yourself after you reach each one. Perhaps that means after you master all the vocabulary in the food and drink category you’ll finally throw that fancy dinner party you’ve been dreaming about. A big reward at the end, such as an international trip, can certainly be motivating, but don’t forget to also celebrate your small triumphs along the way.

A. Reward Yourself.

B. Build confidence through practice.

C. The most important thing is to do something every day.

D. With that in mind, here are our top tips for staying motivated to keep learning.

E. For example, you can try writing a short story or poem in the new language you’re learning.

F. Whatever our distraction of choice it’s important to recognize it and ask if we can do without it.

G. But research shows that returning to these images and visualizing your goals can help you succeed.



Jodi had a lot going on. Not only was she working, but she was taking 36 of her husband, Kevin, who 37 Lou Gehrig’s Disease. Being a caretaker is never 38 , and on a random afternoon, her brother 39 to carve her a slice of optimism.

“I got to our home and saw my brother’s car. Before we went in, he 40 my eyes with a scarf and took my

hand. Once inside, he 41 my shoes and socks. My 42 did not land on a brick patio ( 露台 ), 43 something cool and scratchy. I soon 44 that my toes were sinking into 45 . It felt cool and welcoming 46 my feet. Seagulls screeched ( 尖叫 ) in front of me. Mists of water brushed my face.

Still blindfolded, I was 47 to sit down on a towel and my brother handed me a hot latte. We sat there, not needing to say anything. I hadn’t 48 it to the beach that summer but my brother had brought it to me! It was the nicest thing that anyone had 49 done for me. For 15 minutes, 50 Kevin woke and needed care, I was at the beach. Then my brother 51 removed my blindfold. Now I could 52 where I really was. The patio was covered in sand. A CD player sat on the brick wall, inside were 53 of the ocean. He had supported the pipe on a bucket and the water was set to mist.

With my eyes 54 , the beach was gone. But that memory, that sincere gesture of love and 55 , kept me bathed in happiness for a long time.”

36. A. notice B. care C. hold D. control

37. A. suffered from B. defeated C. dealt with D. studied

38. A. dull B. tough C. easy D. attractive

39. A. pretended B. decided C. agreed D. happened

40. A. equipped B. decorated C. packed D. covered

41. A. put away B. picked up C. took off D. brought in

42. A. body B. hand C. legs D. feet

43. A. so B. but C. and D. or

44. A. realized B. declared C. remembered D. discovered

45. A. bricks B. water C. sand D. towels

46. A. under B. over C. beside D. in

47. A. allowed B. forced C. guided D. required

48. A. had B. finished C. got D. made

49. A. ever B. never C. always D. even

50. A. when B. until C. after D. since

51. A. proudly B. suddenly C. secretly D. gently

52. A. imagine B. see C. explain D. understand

53. A. sounds B. waves C. pictures D. sights

54. A. teary B. closed C. open D. narrowed

55. A. hope B. energy C. reward D. harmony





On a bench in Regen’s Park, London, on October 7, 1970, a young man 56 (study) for MBA degree at London Business School met an Irish girl who first arrived in London. The young man was going to become 57 engineer at Chrysler Corporation.

However, his life was about to change because of the girl in front of him. The two of them fell in love 58 first sight and married a year later. Normally, they would 59 (probable) each get a stable job and live a middle-class life day in and day out. But they thought they wanted more 60 (free) in their life. As a result, the young couple 61 (buy) a small car a year later and started an overland journey through Europe and Asia.

Eventually, they crossed the whole Oceania and arrived in Australia. Here they met with many other people wanting to travel on their own, all of 62 were eager to know the details of their travels. So the couple published a book to share 63 (them) travel experiences. In the end, they opened a company that popularized all kinds of travel knowledge and experience and thus became one of the 64 (success) backpackers in the world.

The young man 65 (call) Tony Wheeler, and the Irish girl is Mauren Wheeler.

That is how Lonely Planet was born.











It was the final soccer game of the year. I was excited because I am crazy about playing soccer, but I was also sad to see the season end. My best friend Amanda played on my team. She had worked hard in practice. Sometimes even after school, she practiced alone sweating all over on the court, determined to upgrade her skills, but she had not scored in a game all season. We had one last chance to change that.

As the referee blew the whistle, the game started out. Players from both teams crowded around the ball as it moved up and down the field. After a few minutes, one of our players burst out of the crowd of players like a piece of overheated popcorn bursting from a pan. She sped down the field toward the other team’s goal , keeping the ball in front of her. With a speedy kick , she sent the ball through the air and toward the goal. The goalkeeper of the opposing team reached to block the shot , but the ball soared past her hand.

Our team had scored first! The audience let out a thundering cheer . “ Score! Score!” Our cheerleaders roared excitedly. Their storms of cheers refueled us players.

Our cheering did not last long, though. The opposing team, like a sleeping creature that had been awakened, came quickly to life. Their players rushed down the field, keeping the ball out of the reach of our players. Though we burst at full speed, we were not able to turn the situation around. In no time they scored a goal, tying the game.

The players on our team looked worried. Winning this game was important to us, but it seemed just as important to the other team. In the second half, an opposing player almost scored another goal, but we blocked the net so the ball could not go in. After that, the game stayed tied for a long time.






Paragraph 1:

With less than one minute left, I was able to get the ball.

Paragraph 2:

“ Thank you, Julie .” Amanda turned to me and said heartedly.






56. studying 57. an 58. at 59. probably 60. freedom

61. bought 62. whom 63. their 64. most successful 65.is called


(One possible version)

Dear Peter,

Delighted to receive your letter inquiring something about Donating Books to Rural Primary Schools, I am writing to inform you of some detailed information.

The activity is aimed to help rural primary schools by sending various kinds of books to those students, which can not only broaden their horizons, but also cultivate their capability of thinking and learning independently and critically. Additionally, the volunteers should be diligent and optimistic, assuring them to face some setbacks during the process of this activity.

If you have any question about this project, please contact me without any hesitation. Yours sincerely, Li Hua

(95 words)


Possible version 1:

With less than one minute left, I was able to get the ball. I shouted to Amanda and successfully passed the ball to her. She looked rather nervous at first, but then she began to move swiftly toward the goal . Stopping abruptly, she kicked the ball as hard as she could. It flew high through the air and then right into the net! The audience let out another thundering cheer . A few seconds later, the game ended with the score 2:1 in our favor. Amanda had scored her first goal and the whole team gathered around her joyfully.

“ Thank you, Julie. ” Amanda turned to me and said heartedly. “No problem,” I patted her on the shoulder, “All the sweats you had shed! You deserve it.” Amanda looked me in my eye and softened her voice, “No, my dear friend, it’s you who sacrifice the opportunity to me; it’s you who helped me fulfill my dream to score; it’s you who raised me up.” Amanda stepped forward and hugged me tightly, choking, “Thank you again, Julie.” (193 words)

Possible version 2:

With less than one minute left, I was able to get the ball. Every one on the opposing team kept eyes firmly fixed on the ball and so did us. Without a second thought, I passed the ball directly to Amanda. What happened next was pure magic. Amanda move swiftly like a gust of wind and kicked the ball as hard as she could. As the ball flew through the air, my heart beat faster than a galloping horse. We soon heard cheers from the crowd and there they were, waving and whistling with proud grins. With Amanda having the big shot, we gathered around her joyfully.

“ Thank you, Julie. ” Amanda turned to me and said heartedly. “Well, I feel delighted that your efforts finally pay off.” I shrugged my shoulder with a smile. “I reckon you could have kicked the ball into the net yourself.” Amanda said, with a lump in her throat. “It doesn’t matter who scored that goal for we are one.” I replied as we walked off the field. Thanks to this game, our hearts were tied more tightly. (196 words)


Text 1

W: You won’t be able to get up on time if you stay awake any longer. (1)

M: I’ll go to bed now.

Text 2

W: Your raincoat is almost the same as my brother’s.

M: Really? As a matter of fact, I just borrowed it from him. (2)

Text 3

W: Oh, dear! I wish we had taken the bus.

M: If I had known the post office was so far, I wouldn’t have suggested walking. (3)

Text 4

W: Is your cow better now?

M: Oh, yes, thank you. I gave her some medicine, and she is now giving me delicious milk again. (4)

Text 5

W: Hi, what are you doing?

M: Oh, I had planned to do some reading today, but I just can’t concentrate. The noise outside is very annoying. (5)

W: Then come shopping with me!

M: I hate going to stores.

Text 6

M: Sarah, how about going shopping with me?

W: That’s a good idea! But how can we get to the mall?

M: I think we’d better take the subway there. It’s faster and less complicated than driving.

W: I have never taken the subway before.

M: Well, we have a very good subway system. We can go almost anywhere in the city by subway. And we don’t have to worry about traffic jams. (6)

W: Sounds good. Is it in service every day?

M: Yes, 7 days a week, about 18 hours a day.

W: Oh, the subway runs a little longer in my country: 20 hours starting from 4:00 in the early morning until midnight. (7)

Text 7

M: Excuse me, but your music is very loud. Will you turn it down, please?

W: Oh, I’m sorry! We just moved into this apartment. We’re having a party tonight. Didn’t you get the note that I put in your mailbox? I invited all the neighbors to come. (8)

M: Yes, I got it. But it said the party would last until midnight. It’s one o’clock in the morning now!

W: I know, but we’ve been having such a good time getting to know each other. Why don’t you join us?

M: I’ve been trying to get to sleep!

W: Aw, come on! It’s Saturday! Since you can’t sleep, come in and have a drink with us.

M: But I want to sleep! (9) My dog won’t stop barking because your music is too loud. He loves music, and he’s keeping me up.

Text 8

M: Hey, is that a boomerang ?

W: Yeah. How did you know?

M: My dad lived in Australia for his college years. He said he used to play with them all the time. (10)

W: It’s really fun to play with. But it takes a few days to learn how to throw it.

M: Can you explain how to do it?

W: Hold it by one end and throw it into the air.

M: Then what?

W: You need to watch it very closely and be prepared to catch it when it comes back.

M: Comes back? (11)

W: It will come back if you throw it right. It’s designed that way.

M: Cool. Can I try? I’ve never thrown one of those before. (11)

W: You should watch me for a while. I can teach you how to throw it properly. Otherwise, it could be dangerous. (12)

M: OK, thanks! I love learning new things, especially fun stuff from foreign countries.

W: I’m just glad someone else likes this thing. Everyone else who saw me throwing it just kept walking.

Text 9

M: Hi, young lady. Can I help you?

W: Well…yeah. I’m looking for a Father’s Day’s gift. (13)

M: Okay. How about getting your father a new wallet?

W: Hmm. How much is that wallet?

M: Uh…which one?

W: The black one.

M: Oh. It’s only $40.

W: Huh? That’s too expensive for me. Do you have a cheaper one?

M: Hmm. How about this brown one? (14)

W: Um…I don’t think my father will like the design on the outside, and it doesn’t have a place to put pictures. (14) How much is it, anyway?

M: It’s $25.

W: Hmm. But I don’t have that much money.

M: Okay. How much can you spend?

W: I’m not sure. Probably about ten dollars. I’ve been helping my mom around the house for the past week to earn some money. This is all I have.

M: Hmm. How about this tie? (15)

W: That’s really pretty, but the price says $15, and I know I don’t have that much.

M: Well, let’s just say the tie just went on sale. How about $5? What do you say? (16)

W: Oh, thanks. I’ll take it. (15) (16)

Text 10

Why is a seven-year-old musician named Alma Deutscher from Britain regarded as “Mini Mozart”? Most children of her age would not be able to sit through an opera. But Alma wrote her first song at the age of six. (17) And she wrote her first opera The Sweeper of Dreams this year. The English National Opera thought it was great! Alma said, “The music comes to me when I’m relaxing. I like thinking about fairies a lot, princesses, and beautiful dresses.” She likes to sit on a swing in her garden and write music there. (18) According to this talented young musician, the idea for The Sweeper of Dreams came from a dream. (19) But Alma is not only good at writing music; she is a skilled violinist and pianist as well. Because of her talent, Alma has become famous, and many people like to compare her to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. “I don’t care whether I am famous or not,” she says, “I like Mozart, but I’m not trying to become him. I’m going to be like Alma, not Mozart.” (20)


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