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第一部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分50分)




Spring is just around the cornerbut if you are tired of sunflowerstulips(郁金香)and other standard gardenswhy not head to one of these mysterious and wonderful botanical gardens

Butchart GardensBritish ColumbiaCanada

One of the rarest flowers you'll find at Butchart Gardens is the Meconopsisotherwise known as the Tibetan blue poppyThe most impressive flowers can be found in the borderswhere you'll find over one million bedding plantsAnd although the gardens are famous for their perennials(多年生植物),300000 spring-flowering plants are grown every yearand over 900 varieties of plants are grownfor the summer gardens alone

Kirstenbosch National Botanical GardenCape TownSouth Africa

Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden is one of a handful of botanic gardens to grow only native plantsSome of the most popular varieties include the king proteawhich produces enormous flowers between autumn and summerand the rare silver treea silky-leaved plantwhich experts believe could become extinct in the next 50 years

Denver Botanic GardensColoradoUS

Once native to South Africathese oddly-named flowers are famously drought-hardymaking them perfect for this part of North AmericaThis garden is one of the few to focus on draught-tolerant plants from Colorado and the grasslands of AfricaMongolia and ArgentinaIn factColorado is home to nine species of endangered plantand several can be found here

Arctic-Alpine Botanic GardenTromsoNorway

Visit the world's northernmost·botanical garden and you'll find a breathtaking collection of plants from the world's polar and mountainous regions includingin the Himalaya sectionthe rare giant Tibetan blue poppywith its huge flowers and metre-high stemYou'll also see the Wilander buttercupwhich can onlybe found in the quite terrible areas of Svalbard's unforgiving icy islands

1Which botanical garden only plants local species

AArctic-Alpine Botanic Garden BKirstenbosch National Botanical Garden

CButchart Gardens DDenver Botanic Gardens

2Which is typical of the Tibetan blue poppy

ARare and hot-tolerant BSmelly and ill-looking

CLarge and tall DEndangered and colorful

3What is the purpose of the text

ATo analyze the features of plants BTo make an advertisement

CTo protect the endangered plants DTo introduce some fantastic gardens


I am a strong believer that if a child is raised with approvalhe learns to love himself and will be successful in his own way

Several weeks agoI was doing homework with my son in the third grade and he kept standing up from his chairI kept asking him to sit downtelling him that he would concentrate betterHe sat but seconds lateras if he didn't even notice he was doing ithe got up againI was getting angrybut then it hit meI started noticing his answers-were much quicker and right when he stood upCould he concentrate better while standing up

This made me start questioning myself and what I had been raised to believeI grew up to believe that a quiet child was more likely to succeedThis child would havethe ability to study hardget good grades and become someone important in lifeKids that were active and loud would only be losers

Now people perhaps come to realize that their kids are born with their own sets of DNAand all they can do is loving and accepting themAs parentsthroughout their growing years and beyond thatwe need to guide them and help them find their way

I have stopped asking my son to sit down and concentrateClearlyhe is concentratingjust in his own way and not mineWe need to accept our kidsand their ways of doing thingsThere is nothing sweeter than seeing our children being themselvesIt makes us happy and that's just the way I want my kids to live a happy life

4The author tried to keep his son seated so that _______

Ahe could pay more attention to his study

Bhe could keep silent in the room

Che could finish his homework on time

Dhe couldn't disturb the author

5Encouraged by the example of his sonthe author began to doubt _______

Athe importance of parents Bthe love between kids and their parents

Cthe good grades of some kids Dthe old education concepts

6What does the author think of teaching children

AEncouragement is important

BChildren shouldn't be punished

CChildren can't be taught in the same way

DChildren should be taught to behave themselves

7In the opinion of the authorchildren should _______

Ahave no freedom Bhave their own style

Clearn from their friends Dbe friendly to their parents


Richard is a very a successful businessmanIt is common for him to work hard with a non-stopHe wasn't aware that he might wear himself out or die an early death until he overslept one morningwhich was a sort of alarmAnd then what happenedHe had a week's leave during which time he read novelslistened to music and walked with his wife on a beachwhich has enabled Richard to return to work again

In our modern lifewe have lost the rhythm between action and restAmazinglywithin this world there is a universal but silly saying“I am so busy

We say this to one another as if our tireless effortswere a talent by nature and an ability to successfully deal with stressThe busier we arethe more important we seem to ourselves andwe imagineto othersTo be unavailable to our friends and familyand to be unable to find time to relax - this has become the model of a successful life

Because we do not restwe lose our wayWe miss the guide telling us where to gothe food providing us with strengththe quiet giving us wisdom

How have we allowed this to happenI believe it is thiswe have forgotten the Sabbaththe day of the week - for followers of some religions - for rest and prayingIt is a day when we are not supposed to worka time when we devote ourselves to enjoying and celebrating what is beautifulIt is a good time to bless our children and loved onesgive thanksshare mealswalk and sleepIt is a time for us to take a restto put our work asidetrusting that there are larger forces at work taking care of the world

Rest is a spiritual and biological needhoweverin our strong ambition to be successful and care for our many responsibilitieswe may feel terribly guilty when we take time to restThe Sabbath gives us permission to stop workIn fact“Remember the Sabbath” is more than simply permission torestit is a rule to obey and a principle to follow

8What's the function of the paragraph 1

ATo tell us that Richard lives a healthy life

BTo give us a brief introduction of Richard

CTo bring up the topic of the passage

DTo tell Richard is a successful businessman

9The “alarm” in the first paragraph refers to “ _______”

Aa signal of stress Ba warning of danger

Ca sign of age Da spread of disease

10According to the passage during the Sabbathwhat we should do except _______

AEnjoying delicious meal BTaking a good break

CPraying for our family DOnly working for two hours

11What is the main idea of this passage

AWe should balance work with rest

BThe Sabbath gives us permission to rest

CIt is silly for anyone to say “I am busy”

DWe should be available to our family and friends


Researchers have developed a wearable device(设备).It is stretchy(有弹性的)enough that you can wear it like a ringa bracelet or any other accessory that touches your skinIt also changes the body's temperature into electricityabout 1 volt of energy for every square centimeter of skin space - less voltage per area than what most existing batteries provide but still enough to power electronics like watches or fitness trackersIt can heal itself when damaged and is fully recyclablemaking it a cleaner alternative(替代品)to traditional electronics

The innovation(创新)begins with a base made out of a stretchy material called polyamine The scientists then stick a series of thin heating chips into that baseconnecting them all with liquid metal wiresThe final product looks like a Cross between a plastic watch and a minicomputer motherboard or maybe a diamond ring

Just pretend that you're out for a jogAs you exerciseyour body heats upand that heat will radiate out to the cool air around youThe device catches that flow of energy instead of letting it go to wasteA person taking a quick walk could use a device the size of a typical sports wristband to produce about 5 volts of electricitywhich is more than what many watch batteries can hold

The new devices are as stretchy as biological tissueIf your device tearsfor exampleyou can put together the broken endsand they'll seal back up in just a few minutes

Researchers are trying to make their devices as cheap and reliable as possiblewhile also having as close to zero effect on the environment as possibleWhile there are still problems to work out in the designthey think that the devices could appear on the market in a few years

12Which of the following statements is false about the device

AIt can repair itself BIt can be recycled

CIt can evaluate itself DIt can transform energy

13How can a wearer make the device produce electricity

ABy shaking it fast BBy leaving it in the cool air

CBy connecting it with watch batteries DBy giving out heat

14What do the researchers think about the devices

AThey will have a bright future BThey will be expensive

CThey can not be damaged by force DThey are completely environment-friendly

15What is the best title for the text

AAn Innovation in wearable Devices

BA Great Exercise Companion

CA New Function of Traditional Electronics

DA Biological Battery in the Human Body



How often do you have a conversation with someoneand think you are paying attention to him or heronly to realize shortly afterwards that you can't remember what he saidOrperhaps you get distracted while he is speaking and miss the message that he is trying to deliver

__16__TVsradiostraffic noisestelephoneslaptops and so onwhich can make it difficult to listen with our full attention

But how can we listen more effectively__17__He said“Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular waywith a purposeat the present moment and non - judgmentally

__18__Jon Kabat - Zinn describes three key elements of mindful listening that we can use to improve our listening skills

First of allbe presentWhen we listen mindfullyour focus should be on the person we are listening to without distractionsThen develop empathy(共鸣).We often see the world through our own experiencesWhen we're empatheticwe can understand a situation from someone else's point of view__19__Our cues are the thoughtsfeelings and physical reactions that we have when we feel anxious or angryand they can block out ideas and perspectives that were uncomfortable withMindful listening can help us to be more aware of our cues__20__

In conclusionthe rule is straightforwardsimply “Listen”! Listen carefully and attentively

Pay full attention to the other personand don't let other thoughtslike what we are going to say nextdistract us

AFinallylisten to our own “cues”

BProfessor Jon Kabat - Zinn put forward the idea of mindful listening

CBut how can we apply mindful listening to our life

DAt last“cues” helps us understand the speaker's ideas

EIn today's busy worldmodern life is full of distractions

FWhat can we do with mindful listening

GBesidesit allows us to choose not to let them block communication



You may have seen a barista(咖啡师)pour milk foam(奶泡)into a coffeethen you can see a beautiful pattern(图案).But have you seen the art in a cup of tea

Dian cha is a tea at from the Song DynastyThe art begins with pouring water over fine powdered(粉状的)teacreating a paste(糊)and then adding more hot waterwhisking(搅动)it by hand with a bamboo whiskIt is believed that the art later spread to other parts of East Asiaincluding JapanIn 2019it was listed as an intangible cultural heritage(非物质文化遗产)of Runzhou district Zhenjiang cityJiangsu province

The Shanghai designer Han Zhemin has been interested in dian cha since childhood“My mother loves traditional culture and I have been influenced” said HanAfter he graduated from the China Academy of Art in Zhejiang province in 2006Han tried his best to reviving(复兴)the art form

He said during the process of dian chathe froth(泡沫)tried his best to paper while the tea paste is like inkBut “drawing” on the tea foam is not easy“Traditional paintings is about the soft brush against the hard paperbut the tea is about the hard teaspoon and the soft froth” Han said

Creating patterns on the tea foam is careful but quick workUsuallythe whole process has to be completed within 10 minutesThe ideal state is when the tea's temperature is around 40℃ and ready for the palate(味觉).“Usuallyit takes a year of practice for one to be able to do it” Han added

To spread dian cha cultureHan put the process of tea whisking and drawing on social media platformsincluding XiaohongshuBilibili and Douyinattracting more than 20000 followersWhen taking about tea art Han said we should increase the beauty rather than change the essence(本质)of tea“I want more people to understand the processes and reasons of tea making” he explained

21When was dian cha listed as an intangible cultural heritage

22Why has Han Zhemin shown interest in dian cha

23What is difficult for Han Zhemin during the process of dian cha

24Why did Han Zhemin share the process of dian cha on social media platforms

25How can you spread tea art

第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 完型填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


It was a dark nightThickdarkgray clouds had made sure that there was no starlight or moonlight to __26__ me as I walked out of my porch(门厅).StillI kept the porch light off because I didn't want to be __27__ by bugs and moths(飞蛾)on this sticky __28__ eveningI stood there for a while letting my eyes adjust to the lack of __29__

It was thenthoughthat I saw themFirst one blink of light at the far end of the __30__ followed by another and then anotherI __31__I recognized them at once as my firefly(萤火虫)friendsmy lightning bug buddies who always __32__ this time of the year

When I was little I used to sit in the grass and watch them __33__ fly around blinking on and offI never __34__ and put one in a jar as some kids did because I never wanted to hurt these messengers of lightTheir time on this earth was so __35__ as it wasI tried to enjoy them each night they were hereIt always __36__ me when they disappeared in the fall and it always made my heart sing when they __37__ the next summer

We are like them in a lot of waysOur __38__ here on earth is briefOften our light of love is more like on and off blinks rather than a __39__ shineStillwe do our best to share it and take __40__ in knowing that others will be shining their light long after we are gone

26Ashow Bimpact Cplease Dgreet

27Atroubled Binjured Cshined Dtracked

28Aspring Bwinter Cfall Dsummer

29Aheat Bwater Clight Dair

30Aporch Broom Cgrassland Dforest

31Awept Bsmiled Ccried Dsighed

32Aturned out Bgave in Csettled down Dshowed up

33Afrequently Bslowly Cnervously Dcautiously

34Asaw Bhit Ccaught Dgot

35Ahard Bterrible Cuseful Dbrief

36Adepressed Bsurprised Cconfused Dexcited

37Areappeared Breduced Creturned Dreacted

38Ahope Blife Cmind Dmemory

39Abright Bfaint Csteady Dclear

40Adelight Bcomfort Caction Dinterest

第二节 语篇填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Shadow theater is a unique art form in ChinaThanks to the basic principle of light and shadow projected(投影)onto a screenperformers use puppets(玩偶)__41__makefrom animal skins to tell stories in a form of operaTwo thousand years agothe sadness of Emperor Wu of the Western Han Dynasty over the death of his favorite lover was __42__fullrelieved by the projection of her figure through a game of lightsThis started __43__ is now known in China as the earliest form of shadow play

Among all the country's branchesBeijing shadow theater stands out __44__ its techniques and its specific tunesIt __45__experiencea long period of formation and now features unique performance methodsIts vocal(声乐的)tone and actual puppets draw __46__inspirefrom Kunqu Opera and Peking Opera

In the pastthe shadow theater __47__performin the fieldswith all performers hidden behind the scenessome controlled the puppets and sangwhile others managed the musicA performing group would consist of six or seven people and a box of puppetsWhen people put on __48__ play at a marketa light box and a curtain would be enough __49__startthe showRequiring only a few thingsthe theater was characterized by its mobilityoften __50__appearat weddingsdinner parties and Chinese New Year celebrations

第三部分 应用文写作(满分20分)









Dear schoolmates

Good morningeveryoneI'm Li Huaa student from Class 5Grade 1




1-3BCD 4-7ADCB 8-11CBDA 12-15CDAA




1B.细节理解题。根据Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden,Cape Town,South Africa中的Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden is one of a handful of botanic gardens to grow only native plants. (康斯坦博西国家植物园是少数几个只种植本土植物的植物园之一。)可知,康斯坦博西国家植物园只种植本地物种。故选B

2C.细节理解题。根据Arctic-Alpine Botanic Garden,Tromso, Norway中的Visit the world's northernmost botanical garden and you'll find a breathtaking collection of plants from the world's polar and mountainous regions including,in the Himalaya section,the rare giant Tibetan blue poppy,with its huge flowers and metre-high stem. (参观世界上最北的植物园,你会发现来自世界极地和山区的令人惊叹的植物收藏,包括在喜马拉雅地区,罕见的巨大的西藏蓝色罂粟,它有着巨大的花朵和一米高的茎干。)可知,西藏蓝罂粟又大又高。故选C

3D.目的意图题。根据第一段Spring is just around the corner,but if you are tired of sunflowers,tulips (郁金香) and other standard gardens,why not head to one of these mysterious and wonderful botanical gardens?(春天就要来了,但如果你厌倦了向日葵、郁金香和其他标准的花园,为什么不去这些神秘而美妙的植物园呢?)可推断,文章的目的是介绍一些奇妙的植物园。故选D


4A.推理判断题。根据第二段第二句I kept asking him to sit down, telling him that he would concentrate better.(我不断地要求儿子坐下来,并告诉他要更集中注意力于学习。)可知,作者不断地要求儿子坐下来,这样他可以更集中注意力于学习。故选A.

5D.推理判断题。根据第二段倒数第二句I was getting annoyed, but then it hit me I started noticing his answers were much quicker and right when he stood up.(我注意到,当儿子站在的时候,他的答案更准确,更快。所以我开始怀疑自己之前的想法)再根据第三段前两句This made me start questioning myself and what I had been raised to believe. I was raised to believe that a quiet child was more likely to succeed.(这让我开始质疑我自己和我从小就相信的东西。我从小就相信安静的孩子更容易成功。)可知,作者怀疑之前的教育方法了。故选D.

6C.推理判断题。根据最后一段二、三句Obviously, he is concentrating, just in his own way and not mine. We need to accept our kids, and their ways of doing things.(显然,他在集中精力,只是以他自己的方式,而不是我的方式。我们需要接受我们的孩子,以及他们做事的方式。)因此推断每个孩子都有自己不同的特点,我们要因材施教,不能使用同样的方法来教育不同的孩子的。故选C.

7B.细节理解题。根据最后一段二、三句Obviously, he is concentrating, just in his own way and not mine. We need to accept our kids, and their ways of doing things.(显然,他在集中精力,只是以他自己的方式,而不是我的方式。我们需要接受我们的孩子,以及他们做事的方式。)因此可知孩子们都有自己的特点和行为风格。故选B.


8C.推理判断题。根据第一段内容"Richard is a very a successful businessman.It is common for him to work hard with a non-stop.He wasn't aware that he might wear himself out or die an early death until he overslept one morning,which was a sort of alarm.And then what happenedHe had a week's leave during which time he read novels,listened to music and walked with his wife on a beach,which has enabled Richard to return to work again.理查德是一位非常成功的商人。他不停地努力工作是很常见的。他没有意识到自己可能会疲惫不堪,或者过早早逝,直到有一天早上他睡过头了,这是一种提醒。然后他休假了一周,期间他读小说,听音乐,和妻子在海滩上散步,这让理查德又可以回去工作了)"讲述了一个成功的商人理查德不间断的工作直到累到早晨没有按时醒来,才意识到自己的问题,于是离开工作去休假。第二段"In our modern life,we have lost the rhythm between action and rest.Amazingly,within this world there is a universal but silly saying "I am so busy."(在现代生活中,我们已经失去了行动和休息之间的节奏。令人惊讶的是,在这个世界上有一个普遍而愚蠢的说法:"我太忙了。)"提出了本文的主题人们只工作,不会休息,因此推断第一段的作用是引出文章的话题。故选C

9B.词义猜测题。下文"He had a week's leave during which time he read novels,listened to music and walked with his wife on a beach,which has enabled Richard to return to work again.他休假了一周,期间他读小说,听音乐,和妻子在海滩上散步,这让理查德又可以回去工作了)"讲述了理查德离开工作去休假,上文"He wasn't aware that he might wear himself out or die an early death until he overslept one morning(直到有一天早上他睡过头了,他才意识到自己可能会疲惫不堪或早逝)"讲述理查德没有意识到自己会疲惫,或者会早逝,直到有一天睡过了头,which指代上文的内容,因此推断这次睡过头是一个危险的警告,提醒了理查德应该去休假,故alarm指的是"危险的警告"A.a?signal?of?stress压力的信号;B.a?warning?of?danger危险警告;C.a?sign?of?age年龄的标志;D.a?spread?of?disease疾病的传播。故选B

10D.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的"It is a day when we are not supposed to work,a time when we devote ourselves to enjoying and celebrating what is beautiful.It is a good time to bless our children and loved ones,give thanks,share meals,walk and sleep.It is a time for us to take a rest,to put our work aside,trusting that there are larger forces at work taking care of the world.这是一个我们不应该工作的日子,一个我们致力于享受和庆祝美好事物的日子。这是一个祝福我们的孩子和所爱的人,表示感恩,分享食物,散步和睡觉的好时机。是我们休息的时候,把工作放在一边,相信有更大的力量在照顾这个世界。)"可知,在休息日,我们应该为家人祈祷,好好休息,享受美食,不应该工作。故选D

11A.主旨大意题。根据第三段的"Because we do not rest,we lose our way.We miss the guide telling us where to go,the food providing is with strength,the quiet giving us wisdom.(因为我们不休息,我们就会迷失方向。我们想念导游告诉我们该去哪里,食物给我们力量,安静给我们智慧。)"和最后一段的"Rest is s spiritual and biological need;(休息是精神和生理上的需要)""In fact, "Remember the Sabbath" is more than simply permission to restit is a rule to obey and a principle to follow.(事实上,"记住安息日"不仅仅是允许你休息;它是要遵守的规则,是要遵循的原则。)"以及全文内容可知,本文主要讲述了不要只是记住工作,也要学会休息,要平衡工作和休息。故选A


12C.细节理解题。思路点拨根据第一段的"It also changes the body' s temperature into electricity" "It can heal itself when damaged and is fully recyelable它还能将身体的温度转化为电能。""当它被损坏时可以自我修复,并且完全可以回收" 可知,新发明的可穿戴设备可改变能量形式,自我修复而且可循环利用。但是文章没有提到自我评估。故选C






16.根据空格后的冒号及冒号后的内容“TVs,radios,traffic noises,telephones,laptops.…. our full attention.(电视、收音机、交通噪音、电话、笔记本电脑等都会让我们难以全神贯注地听)可知,空格后向我们解释了导致我们分心的因素有哪些,所以空格处是要说明现代生活充满让人们分心的事物。E选项中的“distractions”与后面句子中的“.…difficult to listen with our full attention(难以全神贯注地听)进行呼应。故选E

17.根据空格后的人称代词“He”可以判断,空格处需要先引出这个人是谁。G选项指出了是Professor Jon Kabat-Zinn提出了用心倾听的理念。另外,本段主要是要给我们引出提高倾听效率的方法--用心倾听,根据段落中心词也可以判断B选项合适。故选B

18.根据空格后的问号及下文内容“three key elements(三个关键因素)可知,空格处的问题主要围绕如何将用心倾听运用到我们的生活中。选项C符合题意,故选C

19.根据上文“three key elements.…first of all.…then.… (三个关键因素………首先……其次……)”及下文“Our cues are the thoughts,feelings and physical reactions(我们的提示是思想、感觉和身体反应)可知,空格处要介绍第三个因素且要引出cues这个词。

此外,祈使句“Finally,listen to our own“cues”与上文“First of all,be present”“Then develop empathy”句式对等。故选A

20.根据上文“Mindful listening can help us to be more aware of our cues(用心倾听可以帮助我们更好地意识到自己的暗示)可知,此处介绍“Mindful listening”的好处,紧接着写另一个好处“it allows us to choose not to let them block communication(它允许我们选择不让他们阻碍交流)符合句意。且G选项中的代词“it”指代上文“mindful listening”。故选G

21In 2019

22Because his mother loves traditional culture and he has been influenced

23"Drawing" on the tea foam

24To spread dian cha culture

25We can learn more about it and share on social media platforms.(开放性试题,无标准答案,言之有理即可。)


21.细节理解题。根据In 2019it?was?listed?as?an?intangible?cultural?heritage.2019年被列为非物质文化遗产。)可知2019年被列为非物质文化遗产。故答案为:In 2019.

22.细节理解题。根据My?mother?loves?traditional?culture?and?I?have?been?influenced.(我母亲热爱传统文化,我也受到了影响)可知他母亲热爱传统文化,他也受到了影响。故答案为:Because his mother loves traditional culture and he has been influenced.

23.细节理解题。根据But "drawing" on?the?tea?foam?is?not?easy. (但在茶叶泡沫上"作画"并不容易。)可知在茶叶泡沫上"作画"并不容易。故答案为:"Drawing" on the tea foam.

24.细节理解题。根据To?spread?dian?cha?culture,Han?put?the?process?of?tea?whisking?and?drawing?on?social?media?platforms(为了传播点茶文化,韩将泡茶和绘画的过程放在社交媒体平台上)可知为了传播点茶文化。故答案为:To spread dian cha culture.

25.个人观点题。我认为可以多学习点茶,并在媒体平台分享,故答案为:We can learn more about it and share on social media platforms.


26-30DADCC 31-35BDBCD 36-40AABCB



26.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我走出门廊时,厚厚的乌云证实没有星光或月光迎接我。A.show展示;B.impact影响,问候;C.please取悦;D.greet迎接。根据前面的“there was no starlight or moonlight to”和后面的“me as I walked out on my porch”可知,作者走出来的时候,因为漆黑一片,因此没有月光和星光来迎接他,此处为拟人用法。故选D

27.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,我还是关掉了门廊的灯,因为我不想在这个湿热的夏夜被虫子和飞蛾骚扰。A.troubled困扰;B.injured伤害;C.shined闪耀;D.tracked追踪。根据上文的“I kept the porch light off”和后面的“bugs and moths”可知,作者不喜欢被虫子和飞蛾等袭扰,而把灯关掉。故选A

28.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,我还是关掉了门廊的灯,因为我不想在这个湿热的夏夜被虫子和飞蛾骚扰。A.spring春天;B.winter冬天;C.fall秋天;D.summer夏天。结合后面的“summer evening”和常识可知当时是夏季。故选D

29.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我在那儿站了一会儿,让眼睛适应光线的缺乏。A.heat高温;B.water水;C. light光线;D.air空气。根据上文的“there was no starlight or moonlight”“Ikept the porch light off”可知当时没有光,作者在那里站了一会儿,是为了让眼睛适应光线不足的情况。故选C

30.考查名词词义辨析。句意:首先是草原尽头的一闪一闪,接着是另一闪一闪。A.porch门廊;B.room房间;C.grassland草原;D. forest森林。根据后文“When I was little I used to sit in the grass and watch them”可知,作者小时候常常坐在草地上,看着萤火虫,说明萤火虫出现在草原尽头。故选C

31.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我微笑了。A.wept哭泣;B.smiled微笑;C.cried哭泣;D.sighed叹息。据下文的“I recognized them at once as my firefly friends”可知,作者看到了自己的萤火虫朋友,应该是微笑了。故选B

32.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我一眼就认出他们是我的萤火虫朋友,我的闪电虫伙伴,它们总是在每年的这个时候出现。A.turned out结果是;B.gave in屈服;C.settled down定居;D.showed up露面。根据常识可知,萤火虫总是在每年的夏季晚上出现。故选D

33.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我小的时候,我常常坐在草地上,看着它们忽明忽暗慢慢地飞来飞去。A.fearfully可怕地;B.slowly缓慢地;C.nervously紧张地;D.cautiously谨慎地。根据常识和下文“put one in a jar as some kids did”可知,孩子们能逮住萤火虫说明它飞得慢。故选B

34.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我从来没有像一些孩子那样抓住它们并放进罐子里,因为我从来不想伤害这些光的使者。A.saw看见;B.hit打击;C.caught抓住;D.got得到。根据后面的“put one in a jar as some kids did”可知,只有逮住萤火虫才能放进罐子里。故选C

35.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:它们在世上的时间是如此短暂。A.hard努力的;B.terrible糟糕的;C.useful有用的;D.brief短暂的。由下文“they disappeared in the fall”“they reappeared the next summer”可知,夏天出现的萤火虫,秋天消失,所以萤火虫在地球上的时间很短暂。故选D


37.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当它们在秋天消失时,我总是感到沮丧;当它们在第二年夏天再次出现时,我的心总是在歌唱。A.reappeared再次出现;B.reduced产生;C.returned 返回;D.reacted反应。作者喜欢萤火虫,把它们当朋友,结合后面的“when they reappeared the next summer”可知,当它们在第二年夏天再次出现时,作者很开心。故选A

38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们在地球上的生命是短暂的。A.hope希望;B.life生活;C.mind思维;D.memory记忆,生命。根据前面的“We are like them in a lot of ways.”和后面的“here on earth is brief”可知,作者感慨人类和这些萤火虫一样,人生短暂。故选B

39.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:通常,我们的爱之光更像是忽明忽暗闪烁的光,而不是稳定的光芒。A.bright明亮的;B.faint头晕的;C.steady稳定的;D.clear清楚的。与前面“on and off blinks”对比,指稳定的闪耀。故选C

40.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管如此,我们还是尽我们最大的努力去分享它,因为我们知道在我们死后,其他人仍将闪耀着他们的光芒,这让我们感到安慰。A.delight高兴;B.comfort安慰;C.action行动;D.interest兴趣。此处指虽然人生短暂,但我们仍要尽力发光,就算我们离去,也会有别人闪耀着他们的光芒,我们也就能够释怀了。take comfort in“感到宽慰。故选В.


41made 42fully 43what 44for

45has experienced 46inspiration 47was performed 48a

49to start 50appearing





45has experienced.考查动词时态及主谓一致。句意:它经历了漫长的形成期,现在具有独特的性能方法。结合句意和a?long?period可知,此处用现在完成时,主语为it,谓语动词用三单形式,故填has experienced


47was performed.考查动词时态、语态及主谓一致。句意:过去,皮影戏是在田野里表演的,所有的演员都隐藏在幕后。时间状语为In?the?past,句子用一般过去时,主语the?shadow?theaterperform之间是被动关系,故填was performed


49to start.考查动词不定式。句意:当人们在市场上演出时,一个灯箱和一个幕布就足够开始演出了。be enough to do表示"足够做某事",故填to start



Dear schoolmates

Good morningeveryoneI'm Li Huaa student from Class 5Grade 1Congratulationseveryone! From today onall of you will be part of our schooland start a new journey in your lifeI feel honored to have the chance to share some high school life experiences with you

In the past yearI have experienced the excitement of becoming a high school student like youbut studying in the beginning was not as easy as expectedNowI want to tell you the only way to earn respect from others is to work hard and achieve high grades

As for the summer vacationI suggest all of you make full use of it to be well prepared for the high school lifeFirst of alltake exercise for at least an hour dailysince good health is the basic of our study and workWhat's moredevelop a good habit of studyFinallydoing some housework is of equal importance

Thank you for your listening and may you have a good time in the coming year




兴奋:excitement→thrill 首先:first of all→ initially

此外: what's more→ besides/in addition 最后:finally→ lastly /last but not least



原句: Fro m today on,all of you will be part of our school, and start a new journey in your life.

拓展句:From today on, all of you will be part of our school, who will start a new journey in your life.

【点睛】【高分句型1 Now.I want to tell you the only way to earn respect from others is to work hard and achieve high grades.(运用了省略that的宾语从句)

【高分句型2First of all, take exercise for at least an hour daily,since good health is the basic of our study and work. ( 运用了since引导的原因状语从句)