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1. 表示“忍受”,用于can’t bear,后接动词时可用不定式或动名词。如:

I can’t bear to see [seeing] people suffering. 我不忍看人受折磨。

He can’t bear to be [being] laughed at. 他禁不住拿他取笑。


I can’t bear you to shout in that way. 我不能容忍你那样喊叫。

I can’t bear you [your] shouting in that way. 我不能容忍你那样喊叫。

2. 表示“生(子)”,其过去分词有两种形式:born 和 borne。其区别为:表示人的出生或用于名词作定语,用born;表示“生育”或用于完成时态以及用于带 by 短语的被动语态等,均用borne。如:

He was born to [of] wealthy parents. 他出生于有钱人家。

She has the natural grace of a born dancer. 她生来具有舞蹈家的优雅风度。

My mother has borne three children. 我妈妈生了3个小孩。

Diana was borne by the queen. 黛安娜是皇后生的。

当然,用于其他意义时,其过去分词只能用 borne。如:

The cost will be borne by our company. 费用将我们公司承担。

There is one other point to be borne in mind. 还有另外一类要记在心里。

His story was borne out by later information. 他讲的情况都被后来的情报证明。

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